Temporary works are one of the most significant safety systems placed on construction sites. They are utilised to stabilise existing structures, whether they are to be retained or demolished. In addition, they are used as temporary platforms to allow contractors to work on the site. Without the props and scaffolds it would be impossible for tasks to commence safely.
As a result of their importance, health and safety requirements are in place for all forms of temporary works. It is vital these are met. Oversights can result in serious issues so it is wise to appoint a professional team to design, install and manage the works. Denon Construction is one of the most experienced temporary propping contractors in the UK, possessing an unrivalled wealth of knowledge.
One of the most crucial things to keep in mind in regards to temporary works is that they must remain in place for as long as necessary. In some cases they even become part of the permanent works. Whether this is happening or not, it is vital they are designed to tackle risks at every stage of the project.
Over the course of a development the load placed on temporary works can change. This typically occurs either when parts of a structure are removed or new additions are made. The change in loading must not result in the support becoming overloaded or unstable. It needs to be planned for from the outset. As a result the engineer designing the system should have a final version of the plan of works.
At Denon Construction we understand the impact that an array of different actions can have on a structure. Although removing a section of wall may lower the loading in the area, it can place higher wind loads on another surface due to the loss of a barrier. It is vital to consider things like this on every single project.
An important thing that sets us apart from other temporary propping contractors is we really understand the systems we work with. That means we can ensure the layout and loading will be right whilst also focusing on efficiency and easy installation.
If you have any questions for us please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to help and look to add value and boost safety on every single project.